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React js vs React Native: Learn before getting started

There is usually a widespread confusion on what are the difference between React.js and React Native, especially among novice developers.

The reason is, React and React Native share the same parents, even similar names, as well as a common technology backbone. But, that doesn’t mean that there are no differences. However, to understand them, we first need to have the basic knowledge about both the framework.

React.js was an initiative by the Facebook team from 2011, to create a dynamic UI which is highly responsive and has high performance. React Native was found 4 years later to address a cross-platform application that can code more efficiently and faster than native applications.

In simple words, React.js is for web development and React Native is for mobile application development. But, let’s take a detailed analysis.

What is React.js?

React.js is a JavaScript library used for developing reusable UI components, created by the Facebook team in 2011.

It is basically a JavaScript library built to create user-friendly and responsive UI components. They are commonly known as React. This library is responsible for the rendering of UI components. It is mainly used to support both front-end and server-side operations.


There are different features for React.js. Some of them are,

  • JSX − JSX is the syntax extension of JavaScript. It is not necessary to use JSX to React development, but it is recommended as a good practice.

  • Components − React is all about components. Everything inside a react is a component. The concept of components will help you code more easily when working on larger scale projects.

  • Unidirectional data flow and Flux − React is easier because it implements one-way data flow. Flux is a pattern that helps to keep your data unidirectional.

In React it uses JSX instead of regular JavaScript for templating. JSX allows HTML quoting and uses these HTML tag syntax to render subcomponents. This HTML syntax is processed into JavaScript calls of React Framework. We can also code with pure old JavaScript.


Amit Pawar

React is an effective framework as well as a library, which is termed as the best choice for developing modern web apps. React Native is a part of ReactJS popular for developing cross platform applications. [Applications built by react library]( are responsive as well as seamlessly handle UI manipulation.

March 16,2022

Amit Pawar

React is an effective framework as well as a library, which is termed as the best choice for developing modern web apps. React Native is a part of ReactJS popular for developing cross platform applications. [Applications built by react library]( are responsive as well as seamlessly handle UI manipulation.

March 16,2022

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